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"Above all, love each other deeply."


Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for helping us meet our budget needs for 2020, our 50th year of Teleios! Your gifts helped us reach our year-end goal of $133,000. We are grateful for your generosity and partnership in the gospel.

On January 3rd, a number of us were able to remember Connie Jacobsen’s passing 10 years ago. We miss this dear brother, our founder, who so reflected the grace and spirit of Jesus Christ through being so open, honest, and transparent about his life. Connie continues to be a model of teleios (maturity) for each of us! He was honest about the good and bad in his life, leaning into God’s transformative love and grace. He didn’t model a perfect life, but a real and vulnerable life that was so gracious toward others. These words from the apostle Peter reflect that calling:

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.”

We look forward to the new year, continuing to meet with the groups virtually until we can meet face to face - won’t that be a delight! This pandemic has emphasized that we are made for relationship - that “face to face” encounter of loving God through the “face” of Jesus and loving one another as we gather in community.

Grateful for each of you, brothers and sisters!

Art, Shawn, and Tucker

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