Most followers of Jesus have some familiarity with John 15, Jesus's famous talk about the vine and the branches. One word is used by Jesus over and over as he shares these words with his friends. It is the word μείνατε. Most translators use the word abide to describe what Jesus is inviting his followers into; others use remain. This summer I read a translation of John 15 that has continued to resonate with me the past few months. The translation is not abide or remain, but instead is "go on growing." See what you think:
"I am the real vine, my Father is the vine-dresser. He removes any of my branches which are not bearing fruit and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit to increase its yield. Now, you have already been pruned by my words. You must go on growing in me and I will grow in you. For just as the branch cannot bear any fruit unless it shares the life of the vine, so you can produce nothing unless you go on growing in my. I am the vine itself, you are the branches."
Go on growing. Imagine if that is what Jesus is inviting his followers into as he gives this speech the week before he dies. That carries a lot more weight for me than abide. I'm not even sure I know what it means to abide. Is it so sit, stay still, stay in one place? I honestly don't know. There is no other context in my life where I use the word abide, except to talk about Jesus in John 15. But to grow, or go on growing is to be invited by Jesus into a lifestyle of consistently growing. Now, that I can get behind! It means I have a chance at becoming more caring, loving, compassionate, patient, kind, and supportive of others. It also means that I don't have to have it all figured out. As I commit to growing in Him, then I am being grown in all the ways that God desires for my life.
- Shawn