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Teleios: New President Appointed


Updated: Sep 11, 2023

If you were not able to be with us for our annual Teleios Celebration Dinner this last week, you missed an epic night of fellowship! We had speakers share their experiences being impacted by Teleios as well as the way the Teleios impact has radiated throughout their family and work life. One of the most important announcements we made was that the Teleios board has appointed Shawn Petree as the new president of Teleios and we have hired Brian Petermeyer to become a new Associate with Teleios. Shawn joined Art and Connie in 2008 and has served as an Associate with Teleios since that time. Shawn is excited about his new role and is very pleased that Brian has joined the team. Shawn has been walking with Brian in a mentoring role since 2012, and Brian has been in a Teleios group since that time as well.

At the celebration dinner Shawn mentioned that he has given some thought to the vision for the future of Teleios, and what resonates is that the new vision is the old vision. Shawn said "I'm not talking about our founder Connie's vision; I'm talking about the vision of Jesus. Jesus himself somehow mysteriously in his humanity was so committed to teleios (maturity/spiritual perfection), he modeled teleios. Jesus was on the road of becoming and he invited others into the journey. He consistently spent time alone with the Father, he built deep friendships, and he cared for people who needed to be cared for."

As we head into the fourth generation of Teleios, know that we as the board and staff are committed to staying the course of helping men reach maturity in Christ through building bonds of friendship with other men. We have expanded the staff in faith that God is going to increase His impact through Teleios. But we need your support. If you weren't able to be there, please prayerfully consider financially giving to support the next chapter of Teleios.

We feel lucky and blessed to simply be a participant in the great work that God is doing in the Teleios community and be a part of offering this to the next generation of men in the greater Puget sound area. Join us!

With respect,

Mike Boroughs Art Kopicky

Board Chair Former President

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