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50th Year Reflections


Dear Friends,

Thank you all for your support of the Teleios ministry! We have received so much encouraging response from so many of you on the 50th Jubilee Event. Hearing in the video from a number of men and women on the ministry’s impact on their lives (especially: Reddics Johnson, Earl Palmer on the background of the word Teleios, and Marvin & Jeanett Charles on our connection with the DADS ministry and men of color) was such a great way to remember and celebrate all God has and is doing with the ministry. If you haven’t watched the video, we still have it hosted on our website: It will be worth the 24 minutes it takes to give it a look.

We continue to marvel at the power and life we are offered in Jesus Christ. We had the pleasure of reading I Corinthians 2:15-16 with a group on Zoom this morning: “The person with the Spirit makes judgements about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgements, for, ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.” In Christ, everything about our human experience is framed differently. His Spirit in us shapes and changes our perspective and matures us into an ever-renewing identity. This is good news! We are not alone, but we are rooted and led by the love of a living Savior.

In these challenging days of pandemic with much division in our world, be encouraged that our living Lord is offering us a new perspective and a new life in Himself--one different from “merely human judgements.” Let’s listen together for the breath of his Spirit: “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” and live out our faith in the world, with His love as our center.

We are grateful for each of you!


Art & Shawn

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