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"Peace be with you" - A letter for the new year

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Dear Friend,

"Do not be afraid" Matthew 28:10

"Peace be with you" Luke 24:36, John 20:21

These words and this gracious offer are given to the disciples (and to us) after Jesus's resurrection. It is a message we need to hear today. Jesus embodies what he offers - to not let fear overshadow our lives and the offer to know his peace with us in our everyday lives. Jesus is our identity, he is our hope, our peace, our light and life. We can hope because he is with us through the gift of his Holy Spirit. Be encouraged, friend, that you are not alone because his peace is with you. This is the good news for a new year! Right now, pause and receive his peace afresh!

Thank you so much for your participation with Teleios in 2021 - in prayer, groups, one-on-one meetings, retreats, and giving. We are so grateful for your partnership in this ministry of availability to men.

We received year end gifts of $161,666.33 toward our goal of $195,000 (because of previous year's reserve, especially from last year's 50th year celebration, we do have enough funding to meet our budget).

Thank you, friends!

In Christ,

Art and Shawn

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