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Teleios 2023 Year-End Letter


Dear Friends,

"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3

These words of Jesus from John's Gospel are central to the mission of Teleios. Our goal is to help men know God better: to grow and mature in their experience and knowledge of His grace in Christ. The idea of teleios is for all of us to become more deeply and firmly rooted in experiencing the loving relationship that God offers to us. One of the verses that our founder Connie Jacobsen reflected on often for Teleios was this: "He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature (teleios) in Christ" (Col. 1:28). Through weekly small groups, one-to-one meetings, and different experiential events, this continues to be our focus--to "know" Christ.

We remain firmly rooted in our mission even as we have seen a lot of change and transition over this past year. Shawn Petree has become our new president, and Brian Petermeyer has joined our Teleios staff. I am thrilled about both of these staff appointments! I have moved to more of a mentoring role, focusing on how to best help our work with men move forward. I have jokingly called myself the "Chief Cheerleading Officer," but that really is my hope--to continue to bring encouragement and life to all of the men in our groups. In 2023, we have seen a number of new groups, especially with younger men, launch. Shawn and Brian are right at the center of this effort! The ministry is growing, and we are intentionally impacting the next generation and providing support to the men involved in Teleios.

As in previous years, we need to raise about 40% of our budget during November and December. This year, that number is $220,000. Would you consider a year-end gift to help continue our work with men through Teleios? You can give via check, stock gift, or online EFT/credit card (

Thank you, dear friends. May each of our "knowing" Christ grow deeper and firmer in this year ahead!


Art Kopicky

Shawn Petree

Mike Boroughs (Board President)

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