"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ..." - Colossians 4:2-3
What does it mean to be "watchful and thankful"? Maybe watchfulness means remembering that the mystery of God's love is present right now. Earlier in his letter, Paul writes of "the glorious mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col 1:27). These words affirm our need to continue to deepen and pay attention to the interior experience of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We somehow, mysteriously, are the new temples of God's presence - "Christ in you". That watchfulness will lead us to thanksgiving.
Maturity (teleios) for any of us is being more firmly anchored in God's love. We experience it most fully when we gather together in Christ's name--2 0r 3 or more! It is encouraging to see that so many of our groups continue to meet in person, on Zoom, or a hybrid of both. In these days of so much upheaval, may we be more firmly rooted in Christ. This is our prayer for all of you (and us): that day by day we are anchored more firmly in Christ's love.
In September (with the hope of moving our Teleios Celebration to next spring), we had an evening focused on engaging men in their 20's and 30's. Most of the six new groups we have started this year are with younger men. Please pray with us as we encourage these individuals and groups and focus more on reaching out to our next generation of men.
As in previous years, we need to raise 40% of our annual budget during November and December. This year that number is $157,000. Would you consider a year end gift to help continue our work with men through Teleios? you can give via check, stock, or online EFT/credit card (teleiosmen.com/donate).
Thank you again, dear friends! May we each be more watchful of the Holy Spirit's presence in our everyday lives!
In Christ,
Mike Boroughs, Art Kopicky, Shawn Petree
(Board President, President, Associate)