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The Vision and Value of Teleios - Reflections on 50 Years


Teleios has a special meaning to me because of my good friend, Conrad Jacobsen, who began Teleios 50 years ago. Many of you know Connie and I were very close friends for over those 50 years.    

Looking back, I marvel at the vision that Connie had in the beginning of Teleios;  sensing the need among men to come together, as he visualized men maturing in their faith in Jesus Christ.  An iron sharpening iron sort of thing.  He saw them coming together, over a breakfast or lunch; sharing in the Scriptures; to pray and to encourage each other on a consistent basis. He saw them sharing their burdens and their joys with other men, which turns out to be invaluable in the Christian maturation process. Sounds like a chapter out of the early church, as set forth in the Acts of the Apostles.  

The value of Teleois for me has pushed me to get into God’s Word more consistently. A second value has meant many good friendships.  So, I say, congratulations  on 50 years to Teleios, and let's lift a glass to Connie for his vision. I’m thankful so much for Art and Shawn as they carry on this significant ministry.

Terry Olsen Teleios member for more than 50 years

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