If your Teleios group has been meeting for a while now, I'm guessing it's gone through periods of spiritual depth and shallowness. This is something we experience in all relationships--the fluctuations of our energy level, the baggage we carry to each gathering, the distractions that interrupt our ability to be present, and the facade we put up around our own self-image. There is, however, a well-known (but easily forgotten) remedy for such ailments.
It's called vulnerability. Few things can jolt a men's group to life like one brave soul opening up about something personal. Whether it's about lust, doubt, greed, selfishness, pride, addiction, or a million other snares that we navigate around each day. Essentially, this is the long-lost Christian practice of confession. And in a small group setting, it can be contagious.
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." - James 5:16
I'm not sure what the percentages are, but I'm guessing the vast majority of Teleios members come from Protestant backgrounds in which the concept of confession is known, but the practice is foreign. The idea here is to drag our sins into the light. Because if not, they'll flourish in the dark. Bonhoeffer said it better:
"Sin demands to have a man by himself. It withdraws him from the community. The more isolated a person is, the more destructive will be the power of sin over him, and the more deeply he comes involved in it, the more disastrous his isolation...Sin wants to remain unknown"
This can only happen in a group where trust exists and information can be shared in confidence. So, if you want to go deeper at your next group meeting, be brave and share something personal. Name your sin. Out loud. Then let your brothers pray for you and explore other ways to support you. This is one way to break chains.
- Brian Causey, Teleios Board Member -