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What Teleios Means to Me: Andrew Barfoot

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Hear what Teleios means to Teleios member Andrew Barfoot!

My journey with Teleios started much like just about all meaningful thing in my life--a little tap on the shoulder. Sometimes this tap is literal; other times it is figurative. God has a way of not smacking me in upside the face (perhaps he knows how I would resist such a push), but instead gently nudging me towards what he knows will be significant and good. This was true in meeting my wife (blind date!), in getting started with serving with Side-by-Side, in helping me find my current career, and in launching me into meaningful relationships through my Teleios group.

I had accepted my business partner's invite to the Teleios annual celebration, and it was there that the giving card had a little "check here if you are interested in joining a group." I felt a nudge and I checked it. As I slipped it into the envelope, my wife saw that check mark and simply smiled and nodded. She knew what I needed. That was nearly six years ago. Since then, I have been meeting (almost) weekly with a handful of guys who have encouraged me as I have built a business, become a dad, and sought daily to be a better husband. They have counseled me at important crossroads in volunteer ministry. Some have gone before me as dads, while others are right there alongside me (our kids will be in the same preschool class next year). I have loved the simple, disciplined structure of every Teleios meeting: studying, sharing, and praying. With it, we have kept together and kept a purpose--and in that, have continued to mature. I am certainly not "complete" in my faith, but I know that showing up each Wednesday morning is getting me one step closer.

- Andrew Barfoot, Teleios Member

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